
The LisbOn KInetics (LoKI) code is a simulation tool that couples two main calculation blocks: a Boltzmann solver (LoKI-B) and a Chemical solver (LoKI-C). LoKI is developed with flexible and upgradable object-oriented programming under MATLAB, to benefit from its matrix-based architecture, adopting an ontology that privileges the separation between tool and data.

  • LoKI-B (available as an open-source tool) solves the time and space independent form of the two-term electron Boltzmann equation, for non-magnetised non-equilibrium low-temperature plasmas excited by DC/HF electric fields from different gases or gas mixtures. LoKI-B was developed as a response to the need of having an electron Boltzmann solver easily addressing the simulation of the electron kinetics in any complex gas mixture (of atomic / molecular species), describing first and second-kind electron collisions with any target state (electronic, vibrational and rotational), characterized by any user-prescribed population. LoKI-B includes electron-electron collisions, it handles rotational collisions adopting either a discrete formulation or a more convenient continuous approximation, and it accounts for variations in the number of electrons due to non-conservative events by assuming growth models for the electron density.

    For more information, see A. Tejero-del-Caz, V. Guerra, D. Gonçalves, M. Lino da Silva, L. Marques, N. Pinhão, C. D. Pintassilgo and L. L. Alves, The LisbOn KInetics Boltzmann solver, Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 043001 (2019), available here.
  • The code can be downloaded here.
    After downloading LoKI-B, and especially if you intend to interact with us, you are invited to send a short message
    with subject: LoKI-B
    just giving your name and affiliation.

    If you are an user of LoKI-B, you are kindly requested to mention the simulation tool in your presentations, using one of the slides contained in this package.

  • LoKI-C solves the system of zero-dimensional (volume average) rate balance equations for the most relevant charged and neutral species in the plasma, receiving as input data the kinetic schemes KIT(s) for the gas/plasma system under study via an intuitive parser-file. LoKI-C uses several modules to describe the mechanisms (collisional, radiative and transport) controlling the creation / destruction of species, namely various transport models for the charged particles (ambipolar diffusion, effective diffusion, and Liberman and Lee’s low-pressure model) and for the neutral particles (multicomponent diffusion of species following Wilke’s approach, and considering wall recombination). A gas thermal model is currently being implemented. LoKI-C is under development still, and presently there is no tentative date for its conclusion and/or release.

  • If you are an user of LoKI-C, you are kindly requested to mention the simulation tool in your presentations, using one of the slides contained in this package.

See here a home video by Duarte Gonçalves on LoKI and his project

LoKI is being presented in seminars at various research laboratories around the world. See here a copy of the presentation

See below the workflow of LoKI

LOKI workflow LOKI logo

The simulation tool is managed using the redmine web application under a Git versioning control.

The tools, documentation and data will be available soon under NPRiME, a dedicated NAS server from Synology (DiskStation DS961+).