Modelling in low-temperature plasmas (LTPs) "has made envious progress in developing the fundamental understanding and basic computational techniques that describe many LTPs. Maintaining this progress may require a community wide change in its mode of operation by borrowing best practices from other disciplines, e.g. (…) implementing V&V standards or open source codes, and support of community wide databases" [2012PlasmaRoadmap].
"For example, methods, such as model reduction, which may be key to bridging large dynamic ranges, need further development. The health of the field depends on nurturing and supporting the new generation of modelling and simulation (M&S) innovators" [2017PlasmaRoadmap].
"The plasma community is a rapacious user of atomic and molecular (A&M) (…). It is therefore necessary to both compile and curate the A&M data (…) acquired using a mixture of benchmarking experiments and theoretical formalisms. However, equally important is the need (…) to support the value of such databases and the underlying fundamental A&M that populates them. This must be conveyed to funders who are currently attracted to more apparent high-profile projects." [2012PlasmaRoadmap]
PSI.COM is funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2022.04128.PTDC).
Any request for information about the project should be addressed to
Luís L. Alves
llalves at
Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001
Lisbon, Portugal