The Lisbon KInetics (LoKI) is a simulation tool for plasma chemistry that couples two main calculation blocks: a Boltzmann solver (LoKI-B) and a Chemical solver (LoKI-C). LoKI is developed with flexible and upgradable object-oriented programming under MATLAB, to benefit from its matrix-based architecture, adopting an ontology that privileges the separation between tool and data.
The LisbOn KInetics tools comprise also a Monte Carlo code for electron kinetics simulations (LoKI-MC). LoKI-MC is written in C++, benefiting from a highly-efficient object-oriented structure.

Hosting and funding

LoKI is developed by the Modelling and Simulation team of group N-Plasmas Reactive: Modelling and Engineering (N-PRiME) with the Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear of Instituto Superior Técnico.
LoKI is one main outcome of former project KIT-PLASMEBA (KInetic Testbed for PLASMa Environmental and Biological Applications) (PTDC/FISPLA/1243/2014) funded by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT). The development of LoKI continues to by partially supported by FCT's Programatic Funds for IPFN.


Any request for information about the project and opportunities to join the project's team should be addressed to
Luís L. Alves
  llalves at

Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear
Instituto Superior Técnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001
Lisbon, Portugal